L’obra comença amb una advertència: al grup Mediaset no li fa gens de gràcia L’Editto Bulgaro i, per tant, a nosaltres, el públic, tampoc ens n’ha de fer. El conjunt és demolidor per la ridícula figura de Berlusconi. L'Editto Bulgaro. Només una pregunta: per què han dedicat tot aquest esforç amb tan bons resultats teatrals a un sàtrapa forà? Editto Bulgaro Berlusconi's declaration about Santoro, Biagi and Luttazzi. Més que no pas les fosques revelacions que es feien en directe, que podia refutar amb estratègies de comunicació. D’ençà del veto de l’humorista a la televisió la seva fama va créixer encara més i aquell mateix any va omplir els teatres d’Itàlia amb un monòleg en què seguia satiritzant la figura de Berlusconi. Potser no caldria creuar fronteres per caçar altres mosteles per domesticar en un escenari. Spread the world! Biagi disappeared from TV screens a few months after Berlusconi's declarations in Sofia named also Editto Bulgaro, where the then-Prime Minister accused the popular journalist, together with fellow journalist Michele Santoro and showman/comedian Daniele Luttazzi, of having made criminal use of the public television service. Questo libro è dunque una sorta di rivincita: un viaggio attraverso i temi dell'attualità che Biagi e Loris Mazzetti avrebbero trattato nella fortunata rubrica "Il fatto". legar un fals descens de l’audiència durant les últimes setmanes. Los actores de La Calòrica se reunen para ensayar la versión en castellano de l'Editto Bulgaro El 18 de Abril de 2002 Silvio Berlusconi se encuentra de viaje oficial en Bulgaria. La història d’aquesta obra ve de lluny. Dramatúrgia Joan Yago Direcció Israel Solà Amb Xavi Francés, Aitor Galisteo-Rocher, Arnau Puig, Marc Rius Companyia La Calòrica. «Potrete ingannare tutti per un po', potrete ingannare qualcuno per sempre, ma non potrete ingannare tutti per sempre». I tampoc queden fora de l’obra els últims episodis que ha protagonitzat Berlusconi. Suma't al digital de cultura i gaudeix d'un munt d'avantatges, Participa en sortejos setmanals i guanya llibres. El 18 d'abril 2002 Silvio Berlusconi es troba de visita oficial a Bulgària. from La Calòrica Plus . ligent: el criticat (Berlusconi) signaria convençut molts dels passatges. Si continues navegant entendrem que ho acceptes. The 18 April 2002, during a visit in Bulgaria, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi blamed two journalists (Enzo Biagi and Michele Santoro) and one comedian (Daniele Luttazzi), due to an hypothetical \"criminal use\" they made of the public television. La Calòrica rescata L’Editto Bulgaro sempre que pot —la consideren una “obra de cartera” d’escenografia senzilla— i a cada nova representació hi afegeixen les últimes astracanades de Berlusconi, el rei de l’excés, que darrerament apareix tan inquietantment entranyable al seu nou compte d’Instagram. Sàtira política, llibertat de premsa i cançó romàntica s'uneixen en aquest espectacle que, entre rialla i rialla, condueix a la indignació. Berlusconi invited the new public television managment (appointed by the parliament in Italy, that is, by Berlusconi government in charge) to \"avoid that this could happen again\" ; during the Berlusconi government, Biagi, Santoro and Luttazzi never appeared in television, while before they was carrying out their tv programs.\r\rThe only \"criminal use\" these three persons carried out was arising questions about Berlusconi: the countless trials he faced, how did he managed to accumulate his fortune and so on. Cadascun dels elements de 'L’Editto Bulgaro' hi és després de sospesar la seva ona destructiva. Berlusconi is one of the strongest supporters of Turkey's application to accede to the European Union. per Jordi Bordes. Enzo Biagi racconta le vicende di una trasmissione giornalistica da lui ideata e condotta - "Il Fatto" - giudicata la migliore prodotta dalla Rai in cinquant'anni di attività, e le ragioni per cui fu soppressa, con il cosiddetto "editto bulgaro" di Berlusconi. The same year the essay was published (1997), Italian comedian-satirist Daniele Luttazzi used Egan's ideas for his character Prof. Fontecedro in the popular TV show Mai dire Gol, aired on Italia 1. L'Editto Bulgaro I Trailer. Però l’obra no només reprodueix les entrevistes i monòlegs reals dels protagonistes del cas; també introdueix el vodevil de tres senyores Maries fidels a Il Cavaliere. Quello che non si doveva dire è quello che Enzo Biagi non ha potuto dire in televisione negli ultimi cinque anni, da quando è stato bandito dagli schermi dopo l'"editto bulgaro" di Berlusconi. El 18 d'abril de 2002, Silvio Berlusconi es troba de visita oficial a Bulgària. Exactly like in a non-taliban, modern democracy.\r\rObviously, Berlusconi always denied to have pulled out them of the television, claiming that the whole story was invented by the political opposition.\r\rFor more about the \"Editto bulgaro\":\rhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editto_Bulgaro\r\rAre you an Italian living abroad? The Educated Mind-Wikipedia. Your foreign boyfriend/girlfriend asks you why you feel depressed every time he/she talks about Italy? After Mr Berlusconi's victory at the elections, Berlusconi banned Luttazzi (together with Enzo Biagi and Michele Santoro, prominent journalists that had criticized Mr Berlusconi's or investigated his history) from state-owned TV shows (Editto Bulgaro), causing a long debate about freedom of information and censorship in Italy. Last night, Silvio Berlusconi was a guest at the Italian TV programme “Servizio Pubblico” (Public Service), aired by private TV channel LA7. Editto Bulgaro-Wikipedia. Obviously, Berlusconi always denied to have pulled out them of the television, claiming that the whole story was invented by the political opposition. “L’Editto Bulgaro”, el rebuig de Berlusconi a la sàtira. Núvol utilitza 'cookies' per millorar l'experiència de navegació. Luttazzi desapareixia de la RAI. The State of Freedom of the Press in Italy - How Much Impact Does Berlusconi Really Have? Silvio Berlusconi (/ ˌ b ɛər l ʊ ˈ s k oʊ n i / BAIR-luu-SKOH-nee; Italian: [ˈsilvjo berluˈskoːni] ; born 29 September 1936) is an Italian media tycoon and politician who served as Prime Minister of Italy in four governments from 1994 to 1995, 2001 to 2006 and 2008 to 2011. The show had been long awaited, for several reasons: above all, because the host of the show, Michele Santoro, and Berlusconi have an on-going row that started many years ago. Precisament la sàtira és el que feria i enrabiava Il Cavaliere. Show this video and get your friends a bit closer to you!\r\rEnglish Subtitles: click on the button on the bottom right to see them.\rSince nobody is perfect in this world, there could be some errors or typos in the translation of this masterpiece of Berlusconi-thinking: if so, please tell me in the comments! from fósforo Plus . In order to win the March 1994 general election Berlusconi formed two separate electoral alliances: Pole of Freedoms (Polo delle Libertà) with the Lega Nord (Northern League) in northern Italian districts, and another, the Pole of Good Government (Polo del Buon Governo), with the post-fascist National Alliance (Alleanza Nazionale; heir to the Italian Social Movement) in central and southern regions. Del 3 al 6 d’octubre L’EDITTO BULGARO. La sàtira no la podia digerir perquè se li escapava de les seves poderoses mans. In order to support Turkey's application the Italian Premier invited Prime Minister Erdoğan to take part in a meeting of the European leaders of Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, gathered in L'Aquila for the 2009 G8 summit. “Velines” ocupant càrrecs ministerials, festes bunga-bunga, judicis per corrupció de menors i frau fiscal i la consegüent expulsió del Senat. between Silvio Berlusconi, born September 29, 1936 in Milan, leader of Forza Italia and Casa delle Libertà, in agreement with all the allies of the coalition, and the Italian citizens, it is hereby agreed as follows. References Edit ^ see Nina Rothenberg, Political cleansing and censorship in public television – a case study of Michele Santoro and Enzo Biagi, in: Albertazzi, Brook, Ross, Rothenberg, Resisting the Tide: Cultures of Opposition During the Berlusconi Years, London, Continuum, 2009. Per Solà representen el soterrament interessat que hi va haver del cas: “Les tres senyores vénen a ser la veu del poble italià. Cap d’elles, tot i llegir la premsa diàriament, coneix l’editto bulgaro. When used by Berlusconi, the phrase “criminal use” simply means that those three people, namely comedian Daniele Luttazzi and journalists Enzo Biagi and Michele Santoro, had said unpleasant truths about Berlusconi or had criticised him too much. La locuzione editto bulgaro (chiamato anche editto di Sofia, diktat bulgaro o ukase bulgaro) è utilizzata nel dibattito politico italiano per indicare una dichiarazione rilasciata il 18 aprile 2002 dall'allora Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi, durante una conferenza stampa in occasione di una visita ufficiale a Sofia, dichiarazione ribattezzata poi, dal giornalista Simone Collini de l'Unità, " diktat bulgaro". Per tant, va haver d’actuar de manera fulminant, sense discreció, davant tot Itàlia, amb la suspensió de Satyricon, que per altra banda els italians ben aviat oblidarien. 8 years ago. El que fan és comentar alguns aspectes que ens interessen com, per exemple, que si no hi ha cap demostració de força dels periodistes després ningú s’assabenta de què ha passat perquè queda tapat”. 7 years ago. L’Editto Bulgaro(Grec 2012) s'inspira en el teatre document i els Late Shows nord-americans per portar a escena un dels pitjors escàndols periodístics de la Itàlia berlusconiana. Your friends wonder why you cannot stand Mr. B.?