/ old testament basic bibliography BIBLIOGRAFIA BASILARE DELL'A.T. J.S. When a work has been translated in one or more languages, the translation is introduced with the equal sign (=). Per quanto possibile, cito anche le opere in tedesco, italiano, spagnolo, olandese e francese, e qualche traduzione in portoghese. J. Beutler – A. Meredith, «Johannes-Evangelium (u. (San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1990; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah. – H.G.M. Questa selettiva raccolta bibliografica privilegia quegli studi che pare diano maggiore affidabilità scientifica, per i risultati conseguiti, o che siano in grado di aprire piste inesplorate nei molti settori dell’indagine biblica a favore dei giovani ricercatori. Gertz – K. Schmid – M. Witte, (Hrsg.). Fitzmyer, An Introductory Bibliography for the Study I. Historische Abteilung, New International Commentary on the New Testament, The New International Greek Testament Commentary, Ökumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament, Petite Bibliothèque des Sciences Bibliques. The works followed by an asterisk (*) are recommended; those followed by two asterisks (* *) are exceptional works or “classics” of Old Testament exegesis. I hope that all the students who over the years have asked advice in these areas will find in this bibliography what they were looking for. or completing the Old Testament section of a biblical library. Williamson, (eds.). T. Wasserman – G. Andersson – D. Willgren (eds.). W. Stegemann – B. J. Malina – G. Theißen (ed.). Crawford – L.J. As much as possible, however, I also cite works in German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and French, and some translations in Portuguese. F.I. Questi fascicoli contengono quasi tutti una bibliografia essenziale e commentata. A. González Lamadrid – J. Campos – V. Pastor – M. Navarro – J. Asurmendi – J.M. 1. ); D. Arpagaus e.a.. B. Janowski – D. Schwemer (Hrsg. F. García Martínez – E.J.C. A. González Lamadrid – J. Campos – V. Pastor – M. Navarro – J. Asurmendi – J.M. del Pontificio Istituto Biblico riservati a studenti e professori iscritti nel corrente anno accademico. The intended readership of this offering includes those who are engaged in the complex field of biblical research, especially students, old and new, who desire to pursue our common interest, which, begun at school, may now, thanks to this contribution, be reinvigorated and sustained. Théologie dogmatique, Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Traduit de l‘italien par Corinne Bonnet (Le livre et le rouleau 19; Bruxelles: Lessius, 2004). zum Judentum und Christentum (HNT 2; Tübingen: Mohr. W. Schenk, «Der Kolosserbrief in der neueren Forschung (1945-1985)», Other sections, at the beginning and the end Trad. Above all, W. Haase (ed.). B. Kugel – L.H. M. Gilbert, "Sagesse ), (Interpretation – A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching; Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1993) =, (Estudios Bíblicos; Estella [Navarra]: Verbo Divino, 2011). Schools and universities should help one realize that no book that speaks of another book says more than the book in question; but instead they often do much to lead one to believe the contrary. J. T. Fitzgerald, «Philippians, Epistle to the». Contact Pontificio Instituto Biblico on Messenger. Davies – C. Nihan – T. Römer, État de la recherche et thèmes fondamentaux, (Le Monde de la Bible 65 ; Genève : Labor et Fides, 2013). all’AT, la storia, l’archeologia o la teologia. Dozeman – K. Schmid – B. Schwartz (eds.). Published since 1920 by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Biblica is a research journal and appears four times a year. Page Transparency See More. di una biblioteca biblica. Altre sezioni, all’inizio e alla fine della BIBLIOGRAFIA BASILARE DEL N.T. Smothers. For this reason one can never recommend enough the reading of original texts while avoiding as much as possible the critical bibliography, the comments, and the interpretations. -Briefe)». Fändrich(eds.). About See All. One program, offered in collaboration with The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has as its principal goal a more profound grasp of Biblical Hebrew. Cant - Qoh - Lam - Est - R. J. Bauckham, «The Letter of Jude: An Account of Research», non ho menzionato nella lista i libri fondamentali come le edizioni critiche, Commenti a tutto NT / Commentaries on the NT, Vocabolari e concordanze / Lexicons & Concordances, Problema sinottico / Per sedici anni (1993-2009) era stato professore di Lingua Ebraica al Pentiuc – G. Barnea – É. Nihan – Th. Anderson (eds.). Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis (Freiburg/Schweiz: Universitätsverlag – Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht). Nihan (éd.). Pápežský biblický inštitút) je vysokoškolsk á inštitúcia Svätej stolice sídliaca v Ríme, ktorá je zameraná predovšetkým na štúdium biblistiky. F. Moulton. in der neueren Forschung (1945-1985)», in W. Haase (ed.). [Lino Murillo; Pontificio Istituto Biblico.] GBPress.org - Editrice dell' Università Gregoriana e del Pontificio Istituto Biblico. P. Wendland, Die hellenistisch-römische Kultur in ihren Beziehungen F. Avemarie – P. Bukovec – S. Krauter – M. Tilly (Hrsg.). Menu. S. Guijarro Oporto Evans – B.A. This page was last edited on 29 December 2018, at 17:51. = Vocabolário ponderado de exegese bíblica. (ed.). Eerdmans), Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Perdue (eds.). The purpose of this bibliography is to highlight the most important books R. Bauckham – J. Davila – A. Panayotov. – L.W. In una seconda sezione elenco i commentari moderni di spicco. elencati sono commentari. J. Painter – R. A. Culpepper – F. F. Segovia (ed.). Wicks(eds.). quindi una scelta di strumenti di lavoro e di libri di valore, with discretion. Zapff (eds.). The Pontifical Biblical Institute Library serves the scholars, faculty, and students of the Pontifical Biblical Institute (PBI). D’altronde, In the second section I list noteworthy modern commentaries. XV, 217 p., 18500 l. (subsidia biblica 3)." Esistono in questo campo altre pubblicazioni utili, come J.A. This selective bibliography privileges those studies which provide an emphasis on scientific reliability in the results obtained or, in favor of young researchers, may open up unexplored tracks in various sectors of biblical inquiry. Maier – N. Calduch-Benages (eds.). La collezione del Pontificio Istituto biblico, Roma by Luigi Cagni ( Book ) Miscellanea Biblica by Pontificio Istituto biblico ( Book ) Pontificii Instituti Biblici de urbe prima quinque lustra, 1909-vii Maii-1934 by … [Stanislaw Bazylinski, OFMConv – Pontificio Istituto Biblico], Rispondendo alle richieste pressanti degli utenti di questo sito, P. James Swetnam S.J., nella lettera agli ex-alunni e alle ex-alunne del 15 maggio 2006, ha preannunciato la preparazione del presente sussidio, che ora viene reso disponibile. In the first section I indicate a few introductions, usually the volume published in the Old Testament Guides series (Sheffield: Academic Press), a series of excellent studies for one who seeks a general orientation. The program lasts from July to January, but it is possible to register only for the part of the program which goes from October to January, inasmuch as the part of the program in July-September is dedicated to the study of Modern Hebrew as … ); H. Freydank – K. Hecker – A. Jördens. Le opere seguite da un asterisco (*) sono da raccomandare; quelle seguite da due asterischi (**) sono opere eccellenti o "classici" dell’esegesi veterotestamentaria. Moberly – J.W. A. Q. Morton – S. Michealson – J. D. Thompson. 106 were here. J.Ch. Greer – J.W. de Salomon (ou Livre de la Sagesse)". R. Bieringer – D. Pollefeyt – F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville Theology and Religion, Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, Arbeiten zur Religion und Geschichte des Urchristentums, Acta Seminarii Neotestamentici Upsaliensis, Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, American Theological Library Association Bibliography Series, Biblioteca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, Biblioteca Herder: Sección de Sagrada Escritura, Études annexes de la Bible de Jérusalem, Biblioteca románica hispánica. Banks – C. Smith. Page jr. – M.J.M. W. Johnstone – R.W.L. J.-M. Durand – Th. Rogerson. ). essenziali o utili per lo studio, la ricerca e l’insegnamento. Brill), Word Biblical Commentary (Waco, TX – Dallas, TX: Word Books). Williamson. Cássio Murillo Dias da Silva (São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2011), Introduction to the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives. É. Cothenet, «Les épîtres de Pierre», Internationaler Exegetischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer). D.G. J. Noetzel,  Maleachi, ein Hermeneut (BZAW 467; Berlin – Boston,MA: Walter de Gruyter, 2015). H. Braun, «Qumran und das Neue Testament. 106 were here. Green – M. M. Thompson. Tucker (ed.). Anzitutto mira ad informare sugli strumenti in the vast field of Old Testament studies. Us and Them Beyond Orientalism, London, Hurst & Company. of Structure and Argument», in W. Haase (ed.). G. Dautzenberg, «Der zweite Korintherbrief als Briefsammlung. Edited and Expanded by Paul H. Wright (Jerusalem: Carta, 2005), Tübingen Bible Atlas: Based on the Tübingen Atlas of the Near and Middle East, (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2001)**, Understanding Biblical Kingdoms and Empires: An Introductory Atlas and Comparative Views. 10 Jahre Forschung (1950-1957)». Zur The … for the teaching of the Old Testament; thus, a major part of the books Steck – I. Kottsieper K. Wengst, «Probleme der Johannesbriefe», in W. Haase (ed.). M. E. Boring – K. Berger – C. Colpe (ed.). (Scena tipo: l’incontro al pozzo) SKA, Jean Louis, «I nostri padri ci hanno raccontato». B. Cunliffe – C. Gosden – R.A. Joyce (eds.). S. Schorch with E. Burkhardt and R. N.L. Feldman – J.L. and tools which are essential, or at least useful for personal study, Adluri, V. & J. Bagchee (2014), The Nay Science. S.W. O.H. Other useful bibliographies for this purpose already exist Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Roma, Rome, Lazio, Italy. Rhetoric, epistolography. Moreover, one will not find here such fundamental works value, quality or importance. Home; Authors; Catalogue; DISTRIBUTORS; Our booksop; Spedizioni; Contacts ; casino online. J. Beutler, «Die Johannesbriefe in der neuesten Literatur (1978-1985)», S. Greengus – Piazza della Pilotta 4 - 00187 - Roma; libreria@biblicum.com (+39) 06 670 15 496; GBPress.org - Editrice dell' Università Gregoriana e del Pontificio Istituto Biblico. H. Ausloos – J. Cook – F. García Martínez – B. Lemmelijn – M. Vervenne (eds.). 1990. : What Do We Know and How Do We Know It? J. Dewey, «1 Timothy», in C. A. Newsom (ed.). Letture suggerite ALTER, Robert, The Art of Biblical Narrative (New York: Basic Books, 1983) 47-62. Mohr), Littérature anciennes du Proche-Orient (Paris: Le Cerf). Gio/Jonah - Mic - Naum - Ab/Hab - N.B. Fitzmyer – R. Murphy (eds.). Rogerson. Prima di consultare questa bibliografia e di intraprendere un lavoro di ricerca, raccomando però di leggere e meditare queste poche parole di Italo Calvino, Perché leggere i classici (Milano: Mondadori, 1991) 14:Â. H. Najman – J.-S. Rey – E.J.C. Os-Am/Hos-Am - Gl/Joel - Abd/Obad - ); A. Berlejung e.a.. B. Janowski – G. Wilhelm (Hrsg. (SubBib 13; Rome: PIB Press, 1990, Studies in the Text of the Old Testament: An Intorduction to the Hebrew Old Testament Text Project. Essa fornisce Ho privilegiato in questa bibliografia le opere in lingua inglese, perché più diffusa e più accessibile alla maggioranza degli studenti. Eerdmans). home » abzu » search » bibliografia basilare dell'a.t. München – Güterloh: Kaiser – Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1992. 3. (Biblioteca di cultura religiosa 44; Brescia: Paideia, 1984, 1993, 1998); seconda edizione interamente rifatta e aggiornata (Brescia: Paideia, 2002), Introduction à l’histoire d’Israël et de Juda des origines à la révolte de Bar Kokhba, . Neues Testament. Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 20; dom (Sir. New Testament Series, Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, Commentaire du Nouveau Testament (Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé), Commentario Teologico del Nuovo Testamento, Europäische Hochschulschriften. L. Alonso Schökel – J.M. Not Now. Römer – M. Bürki (éds.). per page. Keller I. Fischer – J. Claassens – J. Schiller (Hrsg.). "an introductory bibliography for the study of scripture. R.E. G.L. in W. Haase (ed.). Ringrazio infine tutti i miei colleghi dell’Istituto Biblico che mi hanno incoraggiato ed aiutato a compilare questa bibliografia. Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Tutti i libri editi da Pontificio Istituto Biblico Editore , edizioni in vendita su Unilibro.it - Libreria Universitaria Online - pagina 6 di 14 R. Penna – G. Perego – G. Ravasi (ed.). Menu. Monograph Series, Münchener Theologische Studien. 25 likes. F.I. Subcategories. Supplement Series (Sheffield: Academic Press), Kommentar zum Alten Testament (Leipzig: Deichertsche Verlagsbuchhandlung), Kurzer Hand-Commentar zum Alten Testament (Tübingen: J.C.B. W. Schenk, «Die Briefe an Timotheus I und II und an Titus (Pastoralbriefe) Books Today's Deals New Releases Amazon Charts Best Sellers & More The Globe & Mail Best Sellers New York Times Best Sellers Best Books of the Month Children's Books Textbooks Kindle Books Audible Audiobooks Livres en français Beall – W.A. Esso è indirizzato a quanti sono impegnati nel complesso campo della ricerca biblica, in particolare agli studenti, vecchi e nuovi, con i quali si vuole proseguire quella comunione di interessi, avviata in ambito scolastico, e che ora, grazie a questo contributo, si intende riavviare e sostenere. M. Pérez Fernández – J. Trebolle Barrera. Society of Biblical Literature – Dissertation Series (Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press), Society of Biblical Literature – Monograph Series (Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press), Stuttgarter Bibelstudien (Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk). Arnold – H.G.M. listed are commentaries. as critical editions, dictionaries, grammars, concordances and other tools T.E. C. Frevel – T. Pola – A. Schart (eds. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. D.V. J.-D. Macchi – Ch. Basello – Y. Create New Account. (Hrsg. Understanding the Geography of the Bible: An Introductory Atlas. Almost all of these volumes contain an annotated bibliography of essential works. (Textual Criticism and the Translator 3; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2012). These should be part of the ideal “library" of any Old Testament scholar. Adib-Moghaddam, A (2011), A Metahistory of the Clash of Civilisations. El progreso en la revelación cristiana : contribución á la historia anteniceno : con licencia eccleaiástica. bibliografia, trattano di alcune materie essenziali come l’introduzione It is dedicated to biblical studies on the Old and New Testament, and intertestamentary literature, and covers fields of research such as exegesis, philology, and history. 110 2 _ ‎‡a Pontificio istituto biblico (Roma) ‏ 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (114) 410 2 _ ‎‡a Bibelinstitut (Řím, Itálie) ‏ ‎‡2 czeger ‏ Può anche : L´indirizzo e-mail deve essere quello che è stato comunicato alla segreteria. Get this from a library! [Jean Louis SKA, S.J. P. Bordreuil – F. Briquel-Chatonnet – C. Michel. hanno lo stesso valore, la stessa qualità o la stessa importanza. The bibliography for each book of the Old Testament is divided into sections. C. Coulot, «Synoptique (Le Problème)». Kelley – J.F. E.M. Yamauchi – Marvin R. Andersen – D.N. J.Ch. Quando un’opera è stata tradotta in una o più lingue, la traduzione è introdotta dal segno =. Dovrebbero far parte della "biblioteca" ideale di uno studioso dell’AT. i dizionari, le grammatiche, le concordanze e altri strumenti di lavoro. Rím. Gertz – K. Schmid – M. Witte (Hrsg.). In the third section, when present, I mention some essential monographs, that is to say works which are often cited or which are by now part of the landscape in a specific field. J.E. – R.G. K. van der Toorn – B. Becking – P. W. van der Horst (eds. It may also be of value for those who are constructing J.-N. Aletti – M. Gilbert – J.-L. Ska – S. de Vulpillières, Vocabulaire raisonné de l’exégèse biblique. Il criterio distintivo del grado di utilità della bibliografia è indicato da uno o due asterischi, con cui si è inteso differenziare il livello di ciascuna opera e agevolare la scelta da parte degli utenti. R. J. Bauckham, «2Peter: An Account of Research», in W. Haase A quanti vorranno segnalare contributi involontariamente omessi va l’anticipato vivo ringraziamento e agli autori le più sincere scuse. though, it aims to acquaint one with the materials which are indispensable Pagina ufficiale della Biblioteca del Pontificio Istituto Biblico. of Scripture (Subsidia Biblica 3; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute Not all the books are of the same – Pontificio Istituto Biblico] Questa bibliografia ha lo scopo di segnalare quali sono i libri più importanti nei grandi settori dello studio dell’AT. Harrington. Gammie – L.G. In una terza sezione, quando è il caso, menziono alcune monografie essenziali, vale a dire opere spesso citate o che fanno ormai parte del "panorama" della ricerca in un campo determinato. Many entries are marked by one or two asterisks, which are intended to differentiate the level of each work and to facilitate a choice by the users. 64 people like this. o S. Bazylinski, Guida alla ricerca biblica. 3e ed. Perciò gran parte dei libri Levy – T. Schneider – W.H.C Propp (eds.). Spero che tutti gli studenti che mi hanno spesso chiesto consigli in questa materia trovino qui l’oggetto del loro desiderio. Hoyland – H.G.M. ), J. Lambrecht, «1 Corinthians», in W. R. Farmer. R. Aguirre Monasterio – A. Rodríguez Carmona (ed.). (ed.). S. Amsler – A. LaCocque Williamson (eds.). L.H. Collane del Pontificio Istituto Biblico There are 419 products. PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO BIBLICO ... Bibliografia 1. V. Matoïan – M. Al-Maqdissi – Y. A. Caquot – M. Sznycer P.C. Wilson(eds.). Il Pontificio Istituto Biblico è un'istituzione universitaria cattolica con sede a Roma, dipendente dalla Santa Sede. B. Janowski – G. Wilhelm (Hrsg. in É. Cothenet et al.. E. Baasland, «Literarische Form, Thematik und geschichtliche Einordnung Walton (eds.). Friedman. Find 60 researchers and browse 0 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Pontificio Istituto Biblico | Rome, Italy | Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag). Pontificio Istituto Biblico 368 views 1:02:46 Perché lungo tutta la mia vita filosofica mi sono occupato di Maurice Blondel (Peter Henrici, SJ) - Duration: 1:05:07. (eds.). Day – R. Gordon in W. Haase (ed.). G. Karner – F. Ueberschaer – B.M. Manuales, Bibliotheca Pontificii Athenaei Antoniani, Biblioteca di storia e storiografia dei tempi biblici, Bibliothèque de théologie. In anticipation, thanks go to those who will point out unintentionally omitted contributions and, to the authors, go my sincere apologies. ); D. Arpagaus e.a. It is located in Piazza della Pilotta 35, Rome. J. M. Robinson – P. Hoffmann – J. S. Kloppenborg. Knight – G.M. Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. P. H. Davids, «The Epistle of James in Modern Discussion», in W. Haase (ed.). (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009). Moberly – J.W. indispensabili per l’insegnamento dell’AT. ), (Neuer Stuttgarter Kommentar Altes Testament 4; Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2006). Skalise – T.G. in É. Cothenet et al.. É. Cothenet, «La Première de Pierre: bilan de 35 ans Rhetoric, epistolography Rom – 1-2Cor – Gal – Ef – Fil – Col – 1-2Ts – Pastorali/Pastoral – 1-2Tm – Tt – Flm, American University Studies 7. Römer – J.-D. Macchi. – M. Salvador García (eds.). James Swetnam S.J., in his Letter to the ex-alumni and ex-alumnae (May 15, 2006), announced the publication of the work which is now available. = L’arte della narrativa biblica (Brescia 1990) 65-83. i libri più importanti nei grandi settori dello studio dell’AT. Log In. Th. ENCICLOPEDIE E SIMILI / ENCYCLOPEDIAS & SIM. Eerdmans). Mohr), Herders Biblische Studien (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag), Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament (Freiburg im Breisgau – Basel – Wien: Herder Verlag), International Critical Commentary (Edinburgh: T&T Clark), International Theological Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Pontificio Istituto biblico . J. 14,20): Collected Essays on the Book of Ben Sira, (Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 43; Leuven: Peeters, 2006). J.D.G. K.R. It is necessary therefore to use this bibliography Frage der Literarischen Einheitlichkeit und des theologischen Gefüges A. Suhl, «Der Galaterbrief – Situation und Argumentation», Sicre Díaz. Brine – E. Ciletti – H. Lähnemann (eds.). E. Bons – D. Candido – D. Scialabba (edd.). Výučba prebieha v talianskom a anglickom jazyku. An Analysis A. Dettwiler – J. D. Kaestli – D. Marguerat (ed.). Previous; 1; 2; 3... 18; Next ; Showing 1 - 24 of 419 items. W. Schenk, «Der Philipperbrief in der neueren Forschung (1945-1985)», Forgot account? Studies in Biblical Theology (London: SCM). Synoptic Problem, Studi / Studies Retorica, epistolografia / A continuación ofrecemos una lista de la bibliografía inicial con la que trabajará el equipo, que refleja la mirada interdisciplinaria propuesta. research and instruction. Tigchelaar (eds. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum (dosl. [Jean Louis SKA, S.J. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 41 – 143; Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. A. Ercolani – P. Xella, with U. Livadiotti and V. Melchiorri (eds.). Piazza della Pilotta 4 - 00187 - Roma; libreria@biblicum.com (+39) 06 670 15 496; GBPress.org - Editrice dell' Università Gregoriana e del Pontificio Istituto Biblico. or. Stanislaw Bazylinski, OFMConv. See more of Pontificio Instituto Biblico on Facebook. ),  Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz), Library of the Hebrew Bible. Dan - Esd-Neh-Cron/Ezra-Neh-Chr, Sir - Sap/Wis - Bar... - Gdt/Jdt - Tob - 1-2Mac, (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013). G.A. L. Alonso Schökel – J. Vílchez Líndez. R. E. Brown – J. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. A. Fitzmyer – R. Murphy (ed.). Stanislaw Bazylinski, OFMConv, In answer to the requests of the users of this site, Fr. A. Schellenberg – L. Schwienhorst-Schönberger (eds.). = traduzione in cinese / Chinese translation (Hong Kong: Catholic Truth Society, 2011). A. de Pury – Th. Freedman. – Pontificio Istituto Biblico]. B.T. in W. Haase (ed.). Testament, Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament, Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament - Supplementband, Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie, Journal for the Study of the New Testament. L’École deutéronomiste à l’œuvre, (Le monde de la Bible; Genève: Labor et Fides, 2007) =, A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching. Wissenschaft, Coniectanea Biblica. Les mots, les approches, les auteurs, Los términos, los approximaciones, los autores, (Estella [Navarra]: Editorial Verbo Divino, 2007). Gennaio 2007 Old Testament Library (London: SCM Press), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments (Gütersloh: G. Mohn), Vetus Testamentum – Supplement Series (Leiden: E.J. S. Weeks – S. Gathercole – L. Stuckenbruck (eds.). (BKAT 22.1; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2005)**. in W. Haase (ed. dunque utilizzare questa bibliografia con un certo discernimento. Non tutti i libri però Community See All. P. J. Achtemeier – J. www.biblico.it. 221 were here. W. Schenk, «Der Brief and Philemon in der neueren Forschung (1945-1987)», Hurtado - A.G. Auld – A. Jack (eds.). K. L. Barker – J. Kohlenberger III (ed.). A. Vanhoye, «L’épître aux Hébreux», Craigie – P.H. J.A. Show all. Supplement series, Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament, Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament Aguilar Chiu– R.J. Clifford e.a. (Estudos Bíblico-Teológicos AT – 9; São Leopoldo: Sinodal; Petrópolis: Vozes, 1997, Les nouvelles révélations de l’archéologie. Essa fornisce quindi una scelta di strumenti di lavoro e di libri di valore, essenziali o utili per lo studio, la ricerca e l’insegnamento. H. Merkel, «Der Epheserbrief in der neueren exegetischen Diskussion», Works: 865 works in 1,565 publications in 7 languages and 10,479 library holdings Genres: Periodicals Criticism, interpretation, etc … - Sonderband, Society for New Testament Studies. Old Testament Studies (London – New York: T&T Clark), SALMI, SAPIENZIALI, ALTRI SCRITTI / PSALMS, WISDOM LIT., OTHER WRITINGS, LETTERATURA INTERTESTAMENTARIA / INTERTESTAMENTAL LITERATURE, STORIA RELIGIONE D’ISRAELE / HISTORY OF RELIGION OF ISRAEL, Anchor Bible (Garden City, NY – New York: Doubleday), Anchor Bible Reference Library (New York: Doubleday), Analecta Biblica (Roma: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico), Das Alte Testament Deutsch (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), Herder Biblische Studien (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag), Biblioteca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium (Leuven: Peeters), Biblica et Orientalia (Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute Press), Biblische Studien (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag), Biblischer Kommentar – Altes Testament (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag), Commentaire de l’Ancien Testament (Neuchâtel – Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé – Genève: Labor et Fides), Cambridge Biblical Commentary (Cambridge: University Press), The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Kratz. de Tarragon – J.-L. Cunchillos. – R. Vuilleumier. J. D. G. Dunn, «Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. (London: SCM – Philadelphia: Westminster, 1986, (Studienbücher Theologie; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2012), Canaan and Israel in Antiquity: A Textbook on History and Religion, Storia d’Israele dalle origini a Bar Kochbà. – A. Herdner. For the selection and evaluation of the works, the editor has benefited by the expertise of his colleagues, to whom he is grateful. Pontificio Istituto Biblico alebo lat. NEW TESTAMENT BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY [Stanislaw Bazylinski, OFMConv – Pontificio Istituto Biblico] Rispondendo alle richieste pressanti degli utenti di questo sito, P. James Swetnam S.J., nella lettera agli ex-alunni e alle ex-alunne del 15 maggio 2006, ha preannunciato la preparazione del presente sussidio, che ora viene reso disponibile. Nella lista si trovano alcuni commentari meno recenti, ma che rimangono sempre validi e che non si consultano mai invano. Testament, Society of Biblical Literature - Dissertation Series, Society of Biblical Literature - Monograph Series, Schriften der Finnischen Exegetischen Gesellschaft, Stuttgarter Kleiner Kommentar – Neues Testament, Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament, Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, Züricher Bibelkommentare. – R. Egger-Wenzel – M. Ernst (Hrsg.). ), Formation of the Bible: The Story of the Church’s Canon. Biblica 35; Roma: Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2004, 22005, 32009, 42016). J.-R. Kupper – E. C.M. In order to take part in this program the student must have passed both the Hebrew and the Greek qualifying examinations. Biblica 3; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute Press, 31990) Fitzmyer, An Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Scripture (Subsidia in W. Haase (ed.). ); F. Breyer e.a.. B. Janowski – G. Wilhelm (Hrsg. ); T. Abusch e.a.. B. Janowski – D. Schwemer (Hrsg. There is a quite common inversion of values in which the introduction, the critical apparatus, and the bibliography are used as a smokescreen to hide that which the text has to say and which it can only say if allowed to speak without intermediaries who pretend that they know more than the text itself.