The range and severity of symptoms associated with ataxia will vary … Temporomandibular Joint Disorders in Cats . The Complete Cat Hairball Guide: Everything You Need to Know. Save up to $273 per year. Tapeworms in Cats: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention. Symptoms of Cushing's Syndrome. You will need to give a thorough history of your cat's health, onset of symptoms, and possible incidents that might have led to this condition, such as tick bites, or injuries that occurred while jumping or falling. Testicular Swelling in Cats. Testicular Tumor (Seminoma) in Cats. Testicular Tumor (Leydig Cell) in Cats. Tracheal Collapse in Dogs. Testicular Cancer in Dogs . Compare top pet insurance plans. Transmissible Venereal Tumors in Dogs. Ataxia is the most common neurological issue found in cats. It can cause symptoms similar to flu or glandular fever, sometimes including swollen lymph nodes. Compare Pet Insurance & Wellness Plans. Once a person has had the disease they are generally thought to be protected for life, unless they suffer an impairment of their immune system. The effects range from mild to severe, depending on the amount of exposure and condition of your cat. Toxoplasmosis does not usually cause any symptoms and in most cases a person does not realise they have caught the infection. Tetralogy of Fallot in Cats. Protect yourself and your pet. PARASITE / DISEASE: DISTRIBUTION : TRANSMISSION: SYMPTOMS and SIGNS: FLUKES or FLATWORMS(Trematoda): Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini, Chinese liver fluke; 2-25 mm: east Asia: undercooked fish: lives in bile duct, RUQ abdominal cramps, jaundice Geriatric cats can suffer from confusion and insecurity, which could prompt aggressive behavior. Cats are more sensitive to these ingredients than dogs, but the poisoning is harmful to both types of pets. In addition to acute painful conditions, cats with orthopedic problems, thyroid abnormality, adrenal dysfunction, cognitive dysfunction, neurological disorders and sensory deficits can show increased irritability and aggression. This infection is found worldwide and may be acquired or transmitted to a fetus from an infected mother. Thrombocytopenia in Dogs and Cats. Tear in the Heart in Cats. The presence of what we commonly know as worms in their feces is enough to diagnose their presence, but there are some less striking symptoms such as a coarse coat and abdominal distention. Teeth Misalignment in Cats. This tiny protozoan doesn’t look like much more than a blob, but once it makes its way to the brain, it can radically alter the behavior of hosts like rats, cats and, yes, even humans. Toxoplasma gondii (/ ˈ t ɒ k s oʊ p l æ z m ə ˈ ɡ ɒ n d i aɪ /) is an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoan eukaryote (specifically an apicomplexan) that causes the infectious disease toxoplasmosis. Tetanus in Pets (Lock Jaw) The Wrath of Grapes. (For more information on this disorder, choose “Nocardiosis” as your search term in the Rare Disease Database.) Average Cost. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in Dogs. Intestinal parasitosis is probably one of the main reasons why we go to the veterinary practice with our cats, especially when we have just adopted a young kitten.. Syringomyelia in Dogs. Symptoms of Ataxia in Cats. Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disorder that is caused by a single-celled parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii that often infects cats. $1,200. Symptoms associated with brain abscesses may include severe headaches and other neurological difficulties. During the examination, your veterinarian will pay close attention to how well your cat is able to move its legs, and how well it is able to respond to reflex tests. The medication contains ingredients that can be harmful to cats, such as pyrethrins, pyrethroids and permethrins. From 311 quotes ranging from $200 - $4,000. Ataxia Average Cost. Treatment of Pituitary Form of Cushing's Syndrome. Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Dogs and Cats. Compare plans . Toxoplasma gondii tops the list as the most famous — and most controversial — neurological parasite. Individuals may also develop toxoplasmosis by eating partially cooked meat especially pork. Taurine Deficiency in Cats.