Job Placement. Learn more. Future Students. OPEN DAY – Marine Sciences. 0039 02 6448 6037. Timetable. Bicocca Orienta - Esplora l'Area Medica con tutte le Iniziative dedicate ai Corsi di Studio 20 October 2020 to 30 October 2020 Benvenuto alle Matricole a.a. 2020/2021 Apply Now. Don’t miss the Open Day devoted to the Master Degree in Materials Science. Monica Colombetti Tel. Open Day – BICOCCA ORIENTA iscrizioni aperte dal 23 novembre 2020 Docenti, Genitori, Orientamento in uscita, Studenti-Famiglie 0 Commenti 19/11/2020. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. OPEN DAY – Marine Sciences 19 and 26 of May. 0039 02 6448 6064. Courses. Welcome. … Read more. 15/05/2020 h. … Veronica Laterza Tel. L’Università Biccocca ha inviato la seguente comunicazione: “Quest’anno, a causa dell’emergenza Covid-19, non è possibile organizzare il tradizionale open day di … download the brochure. If you believe in Science and Innovation and want it to become your future job, apply now at Materials Science postgraduate Degree!. Admission. Giuliana Casillo Tel. The Master’s Degree in Applied Experimental Psychological Sciences provides graduates with a solid cultural and methodological background with regard to the cognitive, social, emotional, and neural processes underlying human thought, behavior, language, knowledge, and decision-making. Open Day Università Statale di Milano 2019. sabato 25 maggio 2019: tutti i corsi di laurea. Current Students. 02-03-2020 OPEN DAY 2020. A record of the open day will be posted here: Marine Sciences Intended as a series of related events, this first workshop was held on the 31 October 2018 at the University of Milano (Bicocca). … When and Where. A report of the Open Day, on the "Use of Alternative Methods: From Fundamental to Industrial Research", has just been published. We are looking forward to meeting (on line) our prospect students on May 15th 2020! While the great experience of our first year is still on going, we are now ready to introduce Marine Sciences post grad degree to all students that are in will to discover more about this adventure. SAVE THE DATE We are looking forward to meeting (on line) our prospect students on May 15th 2020, from 2 pm. You can register to the open day by sending an e-mail to: A 2-day event organised by the Job Placement Office and PwC: on 26/03 PwC will present its career opportunities and on 02/04 PwC HR managers and professionals will carry out online job interviews. E-mail: Resp.